Surprising Uses for Aloe Vera Gel
Surprising Uses for Aloe Vera Gel

Did you know that you can use aloe vera for things other than just sunburns? It’s true! Aloe vera contains...

Benefits of Aloe Vera on Hair

According to recent research, the gel from the aloe vera plant contains vitamins, amino acids, and minerals that are super...

5 DIY Facemasks for Dry Skin

If you struggle with a dry skin type, you’re not alone. A clinical study done on 994 subjects found that...

12 Skincare Tips That ACTUALLY Work

You’ve been scouring the internet for some skincare recommendations. Again and again, you find that these tips and tricks don’t...

Your Ultimate Guide to Gua Sha

Wondering how to upgrade your skincare routine? Facial Gua Sha is quickly becoming a popular beauty technique which helps naturally...

How to Properly Exfoliate

Do you struggle with dry, flaky skin despite moisturizing daily? While persistent dry skin can be extremely frustrating, the solution...

How to Prevent Dry Skin in the Winter

As days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, Our skin often becomes more pale, itchy, and dry. While many...

How to Solve Sun Damage

If you’re worried about aging prematurely, the sun is an even bigger culprit than you may think. Experts say that...

How to Rehydrate Your Skin

Do you ever feel trapped in your skin? Dry, dull, and unhealthy feeling skin can be a huge hit to...

How to Achieve ‘Glass Skin’

If you’re into beauty and skincare, you’ve likely heard the term ‘glass skin’ a few hundred times. But, what exactly...